
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

¡Caramba! Video Para Español

Library Refletion

Dear Mrs.Lofton,
      This year I have learned a couple of things from being in the library. First of all, one of the things that I learned from blogging was how to create and use a blog. Secondly, I also learned how to make a video using pictures and your recording voice through Voicethread. Also, another thing I learned this year in the library that I didn't know before is how to create and use a Voki and how to put it into my blog. My favorite activity was using my blog because I enjoyed being able to express myself through my blog. My least favorite activity was the Voki because I couldn't find an avatar that looked like me and the recording was in bad quality. I might continue blogging if I find something I want to blog about, but for the moment I don't.
